Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

So again this year we decided to go to the beach. We asked various friends but none worked out so it was just Judd and I. With it just being the two of us we were pretty lazy. We did ride our new cruisers on the beach, around town, have a nice Thanksgiving dinner, which I didn't cook or clean for. Watch some Christmas shows. Eat stuff we don't normally eat. We did miss having friends with us. The weather was rainy except on Friday!! The sun came out and it was wonderful. We stopped at Calbella's on the way home. That was ok. Really busy. Not sure what next year will bring, maybe a new place to stay.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Silly Boys

Two peas in a pod!!

Fast Isaac

So Isaac was over and eating some of grandpa's bottled pears from our pear tree when he dropped some on the table, I could see it in his eyes what he planned on doing to get that pieces into his mouth, but alas I just wasn't fast enough. He slurped that up so fast that this is all I got. You even miss his wonderful face of success. Like father like son, I must say.

Bobcat Park One Week Later

They are actually doing it. They are working on it everyday. Now lets just hope they have the play equipment in storage all ready, so that we don't have to wait until next year for it.

Bobcat Park Play Field

So the little play field by our home is getting a face lift. Which the city of Brier has had on the agenda for about 5 years. Anyway!!! We are getting new play equipment, yes. So my favorite grandchildren can come over and play when its done.
The beginning.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What did you do for FHE?

We put together these! This is so that when the grandkids come over for holidays to visit they will have a places to sleep, It's our dorm roon.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Quiet Sunday Mornings

So I'm sitting on the back deck and I see this in the yard. The beauty of the earth and Heavenly Father's creations.

Friday, September 18, 2009

He's At It Again

So Judd decided that our goats needed a feeder for the winter. They have been pulling out their food from under the lean to, therefore it gets wet and they won't eat it. So thus....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Summer's Almost Over

I have nothing to blog in pictures yet. We are putting the roof on the garden shed so when that's done i will post. But it is sad that it's almost sept. I want summer's like when i was a kid. Long, slow, fun, relaxing. That's a dream. But it has been nice riding in the dry and not the wet, for sure. Well everyone we love you all and enjoy looking at your blog often.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sequim--Lavender Farms

So about 2 weeks ago I needed some R&R so Susan (my sister) and i decided to go to the lavender farms in sequim. We had a wonderful time breathing in all that lavender it was a wonderful day of lavender ice cream, lavender lemonade, sunshine, good food and great company. Thanks Susan for going with me. I want to take all my girls next year.

Grandkids Summer Camp

The beginning!!!!
setting up camp, check out the size of our tent...4 rooms!
This is a good healthy breakfast, pink cookie and apple juice.

What a great time we had.

Grandkids Summer Camp Cont'

So sometime last summer Judd and I decided we wanted to take our grandchildren camping. We decided that all grandkids 7 years and older could go. Well we just got back! And what fun we had. Biking, swimming, hiking, eating, crafting, and alittle sleeping. We are worn out, but have smiles on still. Here are some of the fun we had. There are only a few things that we would change or improve on. We are willing to share ideas with any of you grandparents and would love suggestions from all. Oh the best part is that no parents are allowed to come.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

We even cleaned up the side of the house. I always get these posted out of order. Sorry.


Susan and I help just alittle.

Improvements to the Japanese Garden

We decided that we needed new steps up to the garden. Great job Judd you are amazing. This took a Saturday afternoon.

Friday, July 3, 2009

This is for Kipp and Haruka

Susan does such a good job. Oh the goats were way back in the berries and i didn't want to go find them.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What's this?

Where they bottle feed? Or have they been watching Judd?

The Last Resort

The goaties, well the dark one is able to jump the fence, so therefore we have resorted to the electric fence. We had a little help, too. So here are the pictures of that process.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

After the Run?

So we played kick ball, but no one took any pictures....rats...but I did get one of the girls before the game having a team meeting.

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

So Lydia brought us a few eggs from the Moyer farm. Only 5 dozen!!!!!

The Three Runners

On Wednesday I hopped on my bike and marked our run on the Birkgilman trail. We did 13.5 miles in 3 hours. Not bad for any of us. Well Judd was a good sport and hung with us the whole way. Thanks Honey.